Veteran Disability Compensation Appeal

Lawyer reviewing court documents with a client

Have you applied for benefits and been denied service connection for a condition or given a lower rating than you believe you deserve, an attorney can be helpful to file and assist with the appeal of the denial or low rating.  Do not assume that the first “no” from the Department of Veterans Affairs will always stay a “no”.  There are several avenues you can take to appeal your denial or low rating.

Here a little background about the Appeals process:

The VA process has changed, in my opinion, for the better, since the passing of the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 .  It took the Department two years to implement the sweeping changes to the compensation process, but in February of 2019 the new decision review process began.  Any claims that were pending a decision prior to February 19, 2019 are referred to as “Legacy” claims and are funneled through the “old” system, unless a veteran elects to take them out of the legacy tract and into the new modern appeal process.

First, you could file and request a Higher Level Review.  A higher level review is where the VA, through a senior reviewer, takes a second look at the records and information that you have already submitted with your claim.  The decision would only be based on the information the VA already has in their possession.

Second, you could file a Supplemental Claim.  A supplemental claim allows you to provide additional relevant information that the VA did not have when they made the decision.

Third, you could file to have your case sent to the Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA), where your claims would be reviewed by a Veterans Law Judge (VLJ).

With the modern decision review process, you have the ability to request Higher Level Reviews and Supplemental claims, prior to making the decision to take your case to the BVA.

Are you a veteran seeking the benefits you earned through service to your country?  The firm of Bordner Law is here to assist you through the VA appeals process.

Call us at 443-439-8672 or use our online contact form.

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